I bought a Kitchen Aid mixer last May after wanting one for many many years. I just cant believe how much easier it has made my life! This weekend ,I made cookies, pecan pie, cherry cheesecake and homemade rolls with it. It saves so much time and makes a world of difference in how things turn out compared to a hand mixer. Everything is creamier and
fluffier. I am so in love with this mixer!!! My husband likes the results too!
Have a great week. I just got home from work and have two more days to go! 12 hour shifts can be tough. We are expecting some snow showers on
Wednesday! WOO
haven't had snow in a couple of years.
Thank you for visiting my blog the other day!! I have read through some of your recent posts and will be back to read more!! Your blog is lovely~
Hi Lorri!
Oh I just adore kitchen aid, I can't live without mine either! :)
Thank you for your kind words and your visit! You are so sweet!
Oh and I ADORE that red quilt on the bed, omg! perfect!!
HUgs, Cynthia
I love mine too, but use it mainly during the month of December, when I bake the most, and during the summer, whipping cream for strawberries!
Now...we know....where hubby's 20 lbs. came from......spoiled rotten by all your baking!!
He's much loved.
What a wonderful mixer! I love the red color. I have always wanted one of them too!
Hi Lorri! In the spirit of helping me with my aspiration to learn to bake my Mum is lending me her Kenwood Chef - an old mixer she got in the '70's that weighs almost as much as our vacuum cleaner! But she wouldn't be without it. She reckons in 30 years it hasn't turned out one bad cake! I will keep you posted on whether that stays true when it gets to my house!
Have a great week sweetie, and don't be working too hard!
Fiona x
Hi there Lorri. I've always wanted one to but probably won't get one. If I buy a Kitchen Aid I'll have to use it and then eat everything I make.
I was so tired again last night that I couldn't get on here. I went to bed and slept 10 hours and still couldn't get up this morning.
I have something to blog about and also have Outdoor Wednesday to post. Come see me later if you have time.
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