Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I am trying to get in the Valentine mood! I love this holiday, but it has been difficult to get in the spirit. I am not a craft type of person and I am in awe of all of the wonderful homemade items I have seen on so many of the blog sites I visit. There are so many talented women out there!
I am thinking about putting up my pink tree and decorating it with hearts, ribbon and vintage postcards.
Valentine's Day typically is not enjoyable for me, since my daughter is a florist. It usually means lots of very hard work and long hours. I'm sure this year will be no different. I will peruse the hobby shops once I feel well enough to venture out again and maybe some inspiration will hit me. In the meantime enjoy the vintage cards.


FeeBeeKay said...

Can you believe that Valentine's Day is just around the corner. I can see how it would be manic for your daughter. I think that since one of my new year aspirations was to learn to bake I might stretch myself to some heart-shaped cookies (you can see I'm not exactly aiming too high here, but I am more ham-fisted contessa than bare-foot!)Have a great day Lorri!

The Wrought Iron Gate said...

A pink tree with hearts, ribbons and vintage postcards sounds perfect for creating a "Valentine" mood. What a crafty idea! Also, thank you for your sweet comments. They are appreciated more than you know.

Anonymous said...

Mom- I do not expect you at the shop this year- just have a good day with your honey- Lindsay's mom will be in from California and two Mothers in the same shop may be more than I can handle! You know how I am on that day-