Hello Everyone! It is Pink Saturday again! Beverly over at
http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/my_weblog/ is hosting Pink Saturday. Please stop over there and check out all of this week's participants. Please leave them a comment and let them know you have visited.
How much fun I am having sharing with you my favorite pink things! Oh honey, this is THE CAR! If you have been watching the SPEED channel this week, you know that the Barrett-Jackson Auto auction in
Scotsdale,Arizona is in full force!
Don't worry if you have missed it, come on over my husband is taping it all. 14 hours of car auctions everyday for 6 days. Sunday will be the grand finale. Of all the cars this is the car I would buy and bring home! Can't you just imagine driving this great little number on a warm Sunday afternoon!!! If you already have one, I am completely jealous!

Here is a cute little pink file folder I picked up at Target. I use this to organize my garden flags. I have little flags for each month of the year. I store them according to the months I use them. Some months I have two flags. For example, October is breast cancer awareness month, so I have my pink ribbon flag, then towards the end of the month I change it out for Halloween. This keeps then all tidy and filed by the month.

I also bought this new towel set and shower curtain at Target. It is from the Shabby Chic collection. My little hamper with the pink flowers was a thrift store find!

I just love this beautiful padded gift box. It has many different colors, but I think the pink roses are lovely.

Now, don't laugh! I really do have some rabbit slippers that look just like this. I bought them from the Runaway rabbit website
http://www.runawayrabbit.com/. They are so comfortable and warm. In fact I need a new pair. My daughter found this cute bookmark for me.

More Target finds. I cannot resist the pink cupcake spatulas and the note pads.

After a hard day of Target shopping. I need to unwind with some white Zinfandel. The thing I love the most of course is that it's pink!

This is my secret stash of pink M&M's! I think I have another sack hid out in my sock drawer! When you have as many kids as we do, it is hard to keep chocolate around. I love to go after Valentine's Day and buy them half price. They will keep forever if you can hide them well.
I hope you have enjoyed my pink stuff this week. I am having my very first giveaway and I would love for you to leave me a comment to enter. I am so excited and already have another planned soon !
Thanks for taking time to stop by and visit. I really enjoy reading your wonderful comments. See you next week!
I just love your ticking pillows...gorgeous. Great pink things! I really enjoyed your blog! Thanks for visiting me. cherry
cute pinks! Can I have a few m&ms on my way out? Yummmm
I love all your pink finds! Especially that cute shower curtain. I think I'm going to have to visit Target soon! Thanks for stopping by our blog! Yours was fun!
Sweet pinks! I really like your new towels, I'm going to see if they have a color that will match my br.
I think i will stop by for some m&m's lol
Enjoyed looking at your pink.
I really did enjoy your "pink stuff" I just love the new Shabby chic collection. That shower curtain has been tempting me every time I go in the store.
Happy PS
You just shared some wonderful PINKS!! Yes, that Pink car would be a blast to zip around in on a warm day!
I love the idea of storing your flags in that great pink file and the clothes hamper you found at the thrift store is just wonderful!
Happy Pink Sat!
I love your pink post especialy the box. Very nice. Happy pink Saturday
I have those same towels...pretty aren't they!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Oh great all that talk about M&M now I want some. lol .. have a great pink day.
I love all of your pink things! But I think most of all, I'm loving the pink m&ms and the wine! lol Oh, and I'll take one of the pink Cadillacs too. :-)
Love your pink things!!Happy Pink Saturday.
Now I have to run out and get some of those red and pink M&M's!
Happy Pink Saturday.
I have those same bunny slippers! I bought them from runaway too. We have 2 real bunny pets that live in the house..nicest pets ever.
Kindredly, Lynne Laura
PS: stop over to see my target finds...only I couldn't find the spatula.
Thank you Lorri for visiting my blog and your kind words. I love love love the bunny slippers! I must go to Target now too. :) You reminded me it's time for pink M&M's...must get some of those too. Thanks for making my first pink Saturday a delight! Hugs, ~~Sheri~~
Boy, did you ever give me a good idea! I have so many flags! I'm gonna buy a file ASAP, and I think it just might be pink!
That bookmark is adorable! I have a secret stash of candy, too...lol! Your blog is sooo cute..I will have to stop back and visit again soon! Happy Pink Saturday!
I'm gonna be on your sidebar? I'm gonna be famous! Thanks for the very nice comments. I've got you saved, too!
Never in my life did I think a blog would be so much fun!
Hey Lorri; I really love all your pretty Pinks. Happy Pink Saturday.
Love the bath room it is so cute and pretty. Hey when you get your great car, stop by and pick me up, I will be so ready to go go go...... Thank you for stopping by for a visit and your comment. Have a great weekend.
trying to stay warm....
Well, the pink Cadillac is to die for! Can you imagine?! It's nice to "meet" a kindred spirit who
a) shops at Target as much as I do,
b) has the same Simply Shabby Chic bathroom towels I have, and
c) hoards the pink M&M's for months in secret hiding places all over the house after Valentine's Day!
I think you will have to go on my side bar so I can check back regularly in case you find a Target deal I missed!
Happy Pink Saturday,
Hi Lorrie,
Thank you for the heads up on the giveaway...please do add me to the list.
Kindredly, Lynne Laura
OMWord...that auction has been making appearances in my home too...LOL
Boys & their toys!
thanks for sharing some of your favorite things pink... we share one of them for sure... that pink Beringer's... i'm having a glass right now... Dixie
Lorri, your post made me giggle. My husband has been watching the auction, too. I wouldn't mind having a pink Thunderbird.
Happy Pink Saturday. May I have one of your M&Ms? ;-)
HI Lorri...thank you for visitng my blog, and noting that we both have pink caddies listed for Pink Saturday. Now, is that a Harley shirt your husband has on in that photo? My husband and I own a Harley. We bought it last year. It's a teal, full dressed Classic. We are hoping to go to the Americade Motorcycle rally in Lake George, NY next summer. Have you ever been? Happy PS....hugs
Sorry I'm so late in posting my comments...work has taken me on a few travels as of late...but now that I am able, I certainly wanted to "visit".
Our cottage, The Painted Nest is not abundant in PINK (gasp, I know, LOL) nonetheless the fun continues, as I participated in this past Sat. Pink Posting... :)
Happy to be here tonight because i did want to miss your collection of submissions :) Oh my ... goodness... my heart is a flutter with that vintage AD...
Can you IMAGINE... LOL ah the days of yesteryear!
Lorri, I love all of your pink stuff this week. I would like to see a picture of those pink slippers. LOL. I love the candy too. Mmmmmm. The book mark is so cute. I bet you are very organized. The box for your flags is pretty in pink.
Wow, I just love all of your pink treasures. The file folder is fantastic and I love the towels, think I need to make a trip over to Target. Thanks for sharing your goodies.
Heading off to Target to buy some of those towels...I love them!
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