I finally had a few minutes today to take new pictures of my lovely china cabinet. Donnie bought this for me for Christmas so I would have a place to display my china. He had a small cabinet already on the wall with some nice
transferware in it , so I had to find a piece that would fit in the allotted space. I ran across this while out
junkin a few weeks ago, measured it to make sure it would work and asked Santa very sweetly if I could have it. He said I could!

It works very well, there is plenty of drawers and doors to store other things and I am using the drawers to place my linens in. My china is Old Country Roses, by Royal
Doulton. I have had this pattern for many years. I spotted this pattern when I was about 10 years old in a dept. store. I instantly fell in love with the red and yellow roses and the gold rims. After many years, I started buying a few
pieces at a time until I had enough to serve my family. I am so happy to finally have it out to use again. It has been packed away for the past 7 years. I have had
alot of fun, putting it in the cabinet, arranging and rearranging.
Isn't so much fun to play house??

Here are a couple of items I inherited from my mother. The sewing machine belonged to her when she was a little girl and the washing machine belonged to her sister. I have had these for many years and brought them out today to put in the kitchen for display.

I Love my Little Chef Oven!

And my red handled cookware!
Your china cabinet is wonderful,I love dark wood,and congratulations on your marriage. I am new in blogland ,just found you,I also have vintage and with it sweet memories. Please visit me and I would appreciate being added to your blog list. Happy New Year, Blessings, brook
Lori, your dresser is divine! As we say in this part of the world, may you have 'health to wear, strength to tear, and money to buy more!!'
And you are a Royal Doulton girl!! I think it is so pretty, but I am such a ham-fist when it comes to things like that. 'Look don't touch' signs were made for me!!! Have a wonderful evening, finding your blog and seeing your gorgeous posts is such a delight - I am looking forward to 2009 and swiping some of your lovely ideas for our home!!!
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