Here are a few of my finds! Each
Friday I post about my treasures I have found during the week.
This wonderful snow bird is a
Terra cotta planter that I picked up at Tuesday Morning's. I thought it would be cute with some pansies in it.

My little rosemary Christmas tree is in my barren flower bed right now. I never know what to do with a bird bath, so I place my rosemary in it added some ivy,
Spanish moss and surrounded it with red apples. The apples will be enjoyed by the birds and it was cheaper than buying fake ones.

I stopped at Goodwill yesterday and picked up some finds. I found this white little sleigh and plan to use it on my table to put sugar packets in , I love this little red chair, I do not have a clue what to do with it, but
couldn't pass it up. I found a candle wreath that I am using to hang from from secretary as a regular wreath.

I thought this little framed sampler was great it is a tiny stitching to remind Santa I have been good.

I also found another little framed
Santa and a metal cookie tray to use.

Sorry this picture is not clearer,the flash just can't capture how cute this really is.

Well, this weeks
treasure's cost a big whopping total of $10.00. I am tickled about this little sampler. I love them and have a few in my laundry room, that I have purchased over the years. Hope you have a great weekend. We are expecting some very cold weather here tomorrow night. I have already bought cocoa and cant wait , hoping for just a little bit of snow!
Hi Lorri - thank you so much for your post on my blog, it would be an absolute privilege for me if you added my blog to your page. I will certainly be coming back to yours to look at the inspirational pictures!
Very warm wishes
How do you find all the cute stuff and I can't find anything and we live in the same town? I think you bought everyone out before I could get there yesterday! I love your page, Mom... I need help with mine for sure....
Love your snow bird planter. Will look darling with flowers this spring.
A TIP...turn your "flash" off on your camera. Then...turn-on all the "lights" in the room your taking photos in... You'll see a big difference in your photos..You'll need lots of "room" light...
Love the name of your blog!
Merry Christmas!
Tina~Cherry Hill Cottage...
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