I hope you enjoy vintage postcards as much as I do!

I love the colors, the messages and the good old fashioned loveliness of the past.

Tonight we are enjoying our first roaring fire of the season. We have such strange weather here in Texas. Yesterday, we had the air conditioner on and tonight a fire to warm our chilly toes! Fall is absolutely my favorite time of the year. I love the colors, the smells, the change in the seasons after such a long hot summer. All of the holiday preparations are beginning and I start to plan the meals for our family gathering. The day after Thankgiving we start decorating for Christmas and begin baking in earnest. All of the children have their favorites and expect them to be available during the holidays. So it keeps me quite busy. I also have finals to study for and gifts to purchase. We have quite a large family now, and it is a challenge to buy gifts that they will enjoy. This year we are also taking a vacation during December so, I have lots to do in a short amount of time! I hope to blog surf and get some great new ideas for the house. Thanks for leaving me a message. I love to visit your blogs, I always feel that I have visited your home. Have a happy week!
I love the holidays too..it's been cold here and snowy,I even put up my tree last night, we've had a fire going every night for at least two weeks! I love to bake at Christmas time too. Come say hi :D
I sure wish postcards and greeting cards were now like they were a long time ago.They were so detailed and special.Love framing them. Bet it sure is going to smell yummy around your house for the next few weeks!! Love your blog! Sue in Mich.
i do love vintage cards. i love that they can in an instant take you back in time.
Hi, Lorri! So glad I found your lovely blog tonight! Looks like we like lots of the same things...I love meeting new people that love vintage like I do! I'll be back often to see what's going on in your part of the world...
I love vintage cards! The illustrations are always so much nicer than current cards!
We've been hot enough to have to AC on and walk around in shorts then cold and rainy! No wonder we're all sniffling!
I love postcards and turkeys! These are great! Thanks for sharing them. I am going to follow you. I wish you a good day! Twyla
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