My children are here for the weekend, so we got up this morning and cooked a good old fashioned breakfast. Hubby started frying bacon, making coffee and I started making homemade whole wheat biscuits,gravy and scrambled eggs. I bought some freshly ground wheat flour at the War Eagle Mills store while we were in Eureka Springs. I love it, it makes up the best silver dollar biscuits! Check out the website. They have a mail order catalog.
www.wareaglemills.comHope you have a great day, we are going to enjoy our family and this beautiful weather. The sun is shining!!!
Ohhhh..I wish I was there with you this morning..that sounds so Heavenly! What a beautiful day I am wishing for you my friend! Come say hi :D
Sounds similar to our Sunday Morning- except the sun isn't out and we had to build a fire in the wood stove. Have a great day!
That's the Sunday morning breakfast we used to have except my biscuits were made with just Gold Metal. Sure miss everyone around the morning table.
Yours sounds great. Hope you have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Pat
Yumm...sounds like a good hearty breakfast!
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