I got an early start this morning and decided to make another Christmas quilt. I just love this one, its easy and I was able to sew it together in an afternoon! My plan is to make one for all the kids for Christmas. I have to find someone to quilt them for me, since I am super slow at that. This pattern was a freebie at Moda's website. The pattern showed using scraps, but I didnt have enough to give it a good scrappy look.
I was so excited today to see the UPS man. He delivered an order from Fat Quarter shop that I have been so anxious to get. After I finish up with Christmas presents, I am going to make a quilt called Swoon. I ordered fabric called Ruby to complete it with. I want to make a few test blocks before I cut into the real stuff!
Well, hope you had a great day. I am starting another quilt top in the morning and have physical therapy tomorrow afternoon. Its going to be a very busy day!
Thanks to all who left comments about the sewing machines. I am still researching, but happy to have your imput to steer me in the right direction!