Santa Claus came a little early for me this year! I went to my local Singer dealer yesterday to look at a machine that was advertised in my local paper. It had already sold, but the gentleman there showed me this Janome 7700. It was purchased in March by a little lady and she traded it back in on Monday for an embroidery machine. WEll, of course it was brand new, no scratches, in fact most of the accessories were still in the original plastic. I went back home to do a quick research as I knew nothing about this machine. I got on ebay and looked at used prices etc. By lunchtime, I was heading back to the store to buy this beautiful machine. It came with the acrylic table insert, but after I got there he also sold me the custom table that it was sitting in for little of nothing. I found out that it retails at $3000.00 and the table costs$500.00. I got the package deal for under $1000.00!!!!! And its brand new!!!! I had been watching auctions all month trying to get a used Bernina for a good deal and had been unable to get one. In fact, I had made up my mind that a Bernina was the way to go. My big concern was that we do not have a local dealer and the nearest one is 250 miles away. I feel like I made a good choice, if anything goes wrong with it, the dealer is here in town. I got it all set up yesterday and tried it out. It sews like a dream!!! I still have several quilt tops to finish, so I will be very busy this weekend. If any of you have this machine, please let me know how well it works for you. I would love to hear the good and the bad. This is very exciting for me, as I was sewing yesterday I stopped to think about the first machine I ever bought. It was a Singer touch and sew, used with a few cams to make decorative stitches. I paid $125 for it back then and used it for 25 years. It was like part of the family. After it was finally laid to rest and I bought another Singer in its place. I couldnt beleive the difference in quality. That machine is less than 2 years old and it has never worked properly. Im going to get it serviced and give to my older daughter. She needs one for hemming tablecloths etc. But she does not sew at all and wont use it very often. So I suppose it will be ok for occasional use. I hope yall have a great weekend. I have got sewing to do!!
(picture from janome website)
Got the package under 1k?? It's a steal.
sewing machine reviews
What a great deal - good for you!
What a bargain! I am jonesing for a new sewing machine myself, but I'm not getting my hopes up this year!
I had a Kenmore machine for 20+ years and then got a Bernina nad had that one for 10 years. I finally felt like it was 'worn out'. So I bought a Janome a year ago, not the 7700 but the 6600 and I LOVE IT more than I ever loved my Bernina, even when it was new. You got a smokin' deal. Enjoy!!
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