This has been a whirlwind 2 months. First, having my knee surgery and therapy 3 times a week. And the big quilt project. This started off with me making one quilt for my husband. Just something to keep me busy during my recovery time. It exploded into making a quilt for all 7 of our children. yep, 8 quilts,8weeks! I do beleive the sewing machine pedal aided in my therapy plan. As most of you know, my machine was not functioning properly and caused major issues. I was having a meltdown at least once a day! Spending hours ripping out seams and basically so frustrated that I could not enjoy the whole quilt making process. I kicked it to the curb and went out and bought a new(used) machine. I am so happy with it, it sews like a dream, has so many stitches and most of all I can learn to free motion quilt with it. That is one of my goals this new year. I have signed up for the free motion quilting tutorials that begin in January. I am more of a watch and learn person, so I hope I can benefit from it without the aid of someone standing behind me guiding me along. I have worked very hard at building a new stash. My old stash was very depleted and I had given away much of it to my mother during the years I was in nursing school. I almost feel like a new seamstress. New machine,new fabric, I even went all out and bought a new sewing basket to organize my things with. Its been about 3 years since I made my last quilt. The quilt shown is one that I recently finished. I had bought the jelly roll planning to make my new grandaughter a beautiful quilt. Well, when she turned out to be a little boy (oops!), I had to alter my plans. I still had this lovely fabric and watned to use it up. So this one will go to my oldest daughter for Christmas. I wanted you to notice the binding. I used all the scrap pieces to bind it and just love it. This was one of the first I made after surgery and I had many mistakes cutting the squares. It was hard for me to stand up for very long and my cuts were so far off. I had to salvage the fabric somehow. I still have some left and it will go into my scrap pile for a charm quilt someday.

I still have a few bindings to sew, which I plan to do today. I need to get them wrapped, check them off the list and make sure no one was left out. My son in law wanted me to make his mum a quilt for Christmas, so one of them was shipped to Ireland this week. That left me one short and I still need to piece another to replace it. I am so tired of Christmas fabrics, but just one more to go and I can put them away for the year. I have 2 quilt kits that I will start in the new year. I have never participated in a BOM and would like to, but may wait on this since I also want to make a Farmers Wife quilt. I need to order the book and will probably wait until after the holidays. Hope you have a productive weekend. I have compiled my grocery list and plan to hit the stores this morning before the rush. It is the weekend before Christmas!
8 quilts? You go, girl!!!
Wow! 8 quilts in 8 weeks--amazing!! I'm so glad you like your new machine. I'm looking forward to learning more about free motion quilting this next year too.
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