My lovely mother-in-law has brought over more wonderful doilies that she has made for me to use. I cannot believe the generosity of this wonderful lady! She has made more than 40 of them for me since Christmas. I am staying busy starching and ironing them for display!
Hope you are having a lovely weekend.
What a lucky girl you are. That crochet is beautiful. My grandmother could do that, but I only ended up with one set of her crochet. It blonged to my mother. But I buy a lot at yard sales and places like that.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Oh, goodness, what a beautiful piece of work! She should try to sell some of them on your blog! Those are gorgeous,and you can't find them just anywhere!
Have a beautiful weekend!
You sure are lucky to have a wonderful lady like that in your life. She sure does fast work! Wow! Over 40 in such a short time.
WOW...That piece looks just like some that my grandmother made. My mother would do the embroidery on just about anything, and my grandmother would finish them off my edging them with crochet. HOW I WISH I had learned how to do it. Hopefully, it isn't becoming a lost art like I thought. I see lots of this type of thing on Etsy stores. Your mother in law is fabulous!!!
I marvel at these gorgeous doilies every time I see them Lorri - what a wonderful gift! I am sure you will be able to find just the perfect places for them in your place!
Hope you had a good weekend, and sending you prayers for the week ahead!
Fiona x
Lucky you! How wonerful it must be to know how make something so beautiful!
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