The sushi in your picture looks pretty but I have never had suchi before. A friend tried to take us to a sushi bar years ago but it just wasn't appealing to us. I don't even like fish.
Looks delicious. Enjoy your meal with your daughter. Sushi's one of my favs especially with the warm weather coming up. You'll have me thinking Spider Rolls all day - my all time favorite. Happy week, Lorri! xo~Tracie
Thank you for stopping by for a visit! Sit back, enjoy a cup of tea and settle in for a nice long chat. Please leave a comment when you go, I will want to visit your blog too!
I am adding you to the Chix with Trailers! I love the little Scotties; My neighbor just found one for $300 and it has a pink stripe. LOVE IT!
The sushi in your picture looks pretty but I have never had suchi before. A friend tried to take us to a sushi bar years ago but it just wasn't appealing to us. I don't even like fish.
Hope you have fun!
Looks delicious. Enjoy your meal with your daughter. Sushi's one of my favs especially with the warm weather coming up. You'll have me thinking Spider Rolls all day - my all time favorite. Happy week, Lorri!
I can't think of a better thing to have--it's really good for you! And lunch with your daughter is even sweeter. Have fun!
i want some sushi now. :)
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