Santa approved the List this morning. Its now printed and on the fridge. One or two made the naughty list with one year probation to improve! I am baking today and wrapping a few presents that I forgot about. But overall it should be a quite day. All the family will be here in the morning and we will celebrate Christmas. I am very happy with all of the progress that was made on the gifts. Everyone will recieve a handmade item as we are trying to stay with the Made In America theme! Of course, fabric is probably made in China, but it was assembled here!
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We have much to be thankful for in our family. We have added 4 new members since last year, and if Kristy doesnt slow down Jenson may arrive anytime. I bought him a gift just in case he decides to make it in time for Christmas. We are keeping his big brother Logan for a while this afternoon, so his mama can get a bit of rest.
Remember, Jesus is the Reason for the Season