I thought I would share some of my favorite things with you. I hope you will try some of my most delightful sinful pleasures!

Romance by Ralph Lauren is my favorite fragrance of all time. I love the shower gel, the lotion, the powder and the perfume. I have a very hard time wearing perfumes. For some reason it changes odors after a while and gives me a headache. So there are very few that I can wear. This has been a staple for a long time now. Romance for Men is also wonderful!

Who can resist Godiva chocolate? Not me...Key lime truffles are fabulous.

MMMMM.......my favorite drink is Asti Spumante Champagne. Love to have a cheese and fruit plate with a bottle of this sparkling wine.

Ok...comfort rules at this house. I love natural cottons. You know the kind that gets softer with every wash? Eileen West has the most wonderful cotton nightgowns.

They are very comfortable and lightweight. Most of them are in pastel colors with ribbon and lace trim.

They do carry a black label collection that is more sexy for those who require that particular look! I love this nightwear. I discovered them last year on clearance at Dillards and bought two of them for the summer. I have worn them almost every night since. I just bought a few more to use this year and a lightweight robe to match. I am planning to buy my mother a set for her Birthday this year.
I have this thing for 100% cotton. It is a must for sheets, we only have high thread count sheets and simply refuse to use any other. When I met my husband, I knew right away he was a keeper when he was shopping for new bedding and told me he would not sleep on anything less than excellent quality sheets. Most men would balk at the price, but he does not. I try to keep several sets fresh for guests when they come to stay. I have also discovered Fieldcrest 100% cotton towels. They are so soft, it feels like you are drying off with a mink stole. I have replaced all of our old towels over the past year. They are usually around $12 ea. But easily found on sale.
I hope you try some of these items. I love them all! Have a great weekend.
Godiva chocolate with key lime? Sounds like heaven ;D
Love all your favorite things. The sleepwear is so heavenly. I am addicted to cotton sleepwear... and I like the good stuff...Have a wonderful Sunday...julie
What a lovely post Lorri!! I adore Asti too! And I had never heard of Godiva chocolate til we were staying with friends in Toronto and they had some. I am soooo glad you can't get them here in Northern Ireland otherwise my already tough battle with the bulge would be lost altogether!!
Love Fiona x
I love those P.J.'s perfect for the hot Arizona heat! Thanks for the great finds...
P.S. Doesn't Dillard's have the best sales?
Gilbert, Arizona
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