Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Have A Great Day!

I am home today, down with a cold. Drinking lots of juice and resting. Just put on some soup for tonight. I have to get better pretty quick and get back to work. Have a wonderful day



Terri Steffes said...

Ahwwww. I hope you feel better. It is good to nip it while it is young!

Michelle said...

Hope you feel better, Lorri! Rest and read lots of magazines. That always makes me feel better. :)

FeeBeeKay said...

Poor you sweetie - we are exactly the same here. First Rod, then Amelie, now me - it is definitely something in the air at the moment here! Hope you go nice and gently and look after yourself. Keep lots of fluid up and rest - work will just have to manage without you. You are too special to lots of people who visit to not look after yourself! F x

2 Dogs said...

Oh dear! Just well soon. Don't you just hate being sick.

Cottage Rose said...

Hey Lorri; I sure how you get to feeling better soon. So get some rest and eat your soup....


Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Hope you feel better soon!
