I thought I would show you some pictures of my first trailer. This is the Cosmo Cowgirl.

I bought her completely restored, so all I had to do was add decorating touches and take off!

I made new curtains, in brown and blue.

Added lots of cowgirl bling.

And took off on my camping trip with the sisters.

I loved this chenille cowboy bedspread.

Here is the little kitchen that was all original to the trailer.

Some of you have asked questions about the Sisters on the Fly. It is very simple to join up. All you have to do is go to the website
http://www.sistersonthefly.com/ . There is so much information to read and pictures of trailers to look at. Download the application and mail it along with your dues to Maurrie and she will send you your membership package. There are well over 1000 sisters all over the US. And lots of camping trips in every single state, so it doesn't matter where you live there are sisters all around you. I bought my first trailer Cosmo from another sister who had several trailers. Her husband had already painted her and she was ready to go. The red Shasta I bought on eBay. I just have not had time to re-do Annie. Many of the girls have more than one trailer, and they are decorated in every type of decor you can think of. It does not have to be cowgirl. I love going and meeting up with these girls, we always have so much fun. They have a chat site and love to help new sisters in any way they can. If you have any other questions feel free to email me. I am always happy to help out a sister. One of the new fun things we are doing now is earning badges for our accomplishments. This is where it is a little like girl scouts! We can earn a badge for just about anything and they are fun to display. Many girls have sashes, pillows etc that they sew them on to. Some have made jackets or vests. This organization was created to give women a chance to be little girls again. Many of us love to fish, cook, camp, ride horses or just anything. Some just love to shop and we go to antique shows in a group. Everywhere we go people stop and love to look at the trailers. It is so much fun and I know you will love to join. You can also come as a visitor on a trip, just to get a feel for it. I also want to mention you do not have to own a trailer to join. Many girls do not have one. Some bunk up with other sisters or stay in cabins at the campsite. This is just about fun! And we do have lots of fun. Come on and take a look the website, I know you will love it.
That is the cutest trailor I've ever seen!!
The bedspreads too darn cool!!
I went to the website and registered.
I've got to have a trailer but then I would have to have something to pull it. heehee. Oh hubby has a truck. I forgot.
Cute, Cute, Cute like a little playhouse. I love that chenille bedspread, I've collect chenille for a long time and have never seen one like that. I love meeting someone who adores shoes the way I do. HUgs Rosemarie
This is so cute! It makes me want a trailer and I don't even like to camp! Maybe I could be the kind of girl who would use her trailer for a clubhouse!
That is just so cute that I'm just laughing! I adore the awning, the stove, the bedspread...all of it!
How neat we share the memories of a Granny making us Barbie clothes!
OMG You are living a dream of mine! I would love to have one of these darling little "homes". You did this one up so cute.
Just found your blog, and saw this post, and oh my! I want to do this! Looks like so much fun. Your trailer is adorable!
Lorri, this is just the cutest trailer I've ever seen, justlove the cowgirl decor. I showed this post to my hubby and he's been surfing the web looking at them all afternoon. Thanks for sharing.
You trailer is so adorable! I saw an article on Sisters On The Fly a few years back in Country Living magazine and loved it! Thanks for sharing:)
I love your trailer!! We alMOST bought last year... but got cold feet at the last second! Last one in college.. when he is out .. i am getting me one and heading out!!
Hi, I just found your blog! What a Cutie! You have it decorated so Adorable! You said this was your first trailer? Do you have another one and do you still have this one? Thanx, :D Christine
oooh hello sister i love your cosmo girl...wow so cute!!! i hope we can meet some day...thanks for sharing all the fun things about being a sister...huggs cat #997
I somehow stumbled upon SOTF website yesterday morning(9/3/09) and have already located me a trailer to fix up - it is a little bigger than I wanted but it was free so it is a good place to start. I am in Texas also and would love your help/opinion on redoing/decorating my new toy! Thanks in advance!
I LOVE, love, love the "Cosmo Cowgirl!"
Since I saw the 'Sisters on the Fly' and their Cowgirl Caravan in Texas (on a TV program called "Texas Country Reporter"); I have been DYING to grab a cute trailer and head out! I'll catch up some day :D, and in the meantime, I'll just have to sit back and enjoy reading about all of y'alls adventures!
Stop by my blog and say 'hi' when you get the chance!
I have just bought a 1967 trailer to restore, but need some info on where to have an awning made, buy antique tile (or replica) for backsplash. Can you give me some sites to look at? I would love some help!! You could email me at claudia.kelly@rmhp.org Thanks!
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