This weekend, we watched several movies together and this was one that I really enjoyed. If you have not watched Fireproof, you really need to rent a copy of it and watch with your spouse. I have seen two other movies that Alex Kendrick has written/produced/directed. Facing the Giants and Flywheel. All of his movies have a wonderful spiritual message and completely family oriented. Facing the Giants is such a great film for teens, it is about a football team that learns many lessons through having faith in the ability that God has given them. Fireproof is about a young married couple facing so many of the trials and temptations that we face in everyday life.
I love the phrase he uses in the movie."You NEVER leave your partner in a fire" When the going gets tough that is exactly what many couple choose to do. They walk out, divorce and think the grass is greener on the other side. It is not! Life is what we choose to make of it and so is marriage. We learn through the hard times what we are really made of. I think one of the most important things we should learn is that no ONE person can make you happy. We have to be happy with our self. Love yourself and then it is so easy to love your partner. We are to be a compliment to our spouse, a helper, a lover, a true soul mate. We sign a covenant when we marry not a contract. A covenant is for life! Through the good ,the bad ,and the ugly! We must pray for our spouse and lift them up, not ever demean and tear them down. Even when we do not feel like being nice. We must! Harsh words will last forever. Kind words soothe and calm a storm!
Have a wonderful week. I have two more days at work and then will enjoy being off for a few days. Hoping to make it to Canton Tx this weekend for Laurie Anna's Serendipity weekend! Sounds like so much fun!
I'll have to look for the movie. I love movies like that. You are so right about marriage. It's not all fun, it's life and it's great to have someone to share it with. Two people together are much stronger than one alone. Hope you had a great Valentine's Day.
I haven't seen it but my big sister loved it!!!
M ^..^
Fantastic post! I couldn't agree more with your sentiments about marriage. My husband and I have been married for 29 years and we are always grateful that we are each others best friend. It is the most essential part of our relationship and makes us even more loyal than the romantic part does - especially as we grow older.
We rarely find anything that we like to watch, but this sounds good, I will look into it, thanks for the suggestion. Your comments on marriage are so true and good, I happen to share my life with my best friend and that makes all the other stuff easier. Nice post~Jacque
Great post Lorri, I'll have to check out this movie. I totally agree with your view about marriage and it's growth. Happiness comes from the inside, not the outside.
Hope to see you Friday at Serendipity Market, thanks for the mention!
I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for that movie here in the UK Lorri - I have never seen it advertised but so many people I have read have rated it. Kind words do indeed work wonders! Hope you are getting some R&R this week - a Serendipity weekend sounds just wonderful!!
Fiona x
Read the book, have not seen the movie but looking forward to it!
I want to see this movie so bad!..Thanks for reminding me to do so!...I have given you an award over on my blog. Please stop by and see....Thanks...
Hubby brought this movie home as a gift to me, he knew I wanted it, for an early Valentine's gift. We haven't watched it yet. I want a totally free evening to do so!! No computer or other distractions. Hopefully it will guide us a little, as we're in a rut. Looking forward to seeing it. Glad you liked it so much. Others say it's great too. I like what you had to say in this post!
We watched this recently too. It is a great movie!
John and I saw Fireproof. We really liked it.
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