While on spring break, we visited the historic city of St Charles, MO. The downtown is filled filled wonderful old homes and shops to tempt you.One of our favorites was called Cobblestone. It was filled with so many wonderful things to look at. We had such a great time browsing through this bright and cheerful place.

Love the chair and the pillows! Look at the quill pen and the ink well!

I just fell in love with the little houses. Each one had a light inside, you could create an entire village with the different choices. I really loved the little church.

There were penny hook rugs, quilts, candles, pictures, furniture and just about everything you could think of. We spent alot of time in here, just browsing and wishing we had one of everything!
We have been to St. Charles, MO. It is quaint and fun!
Hi Lorri,
We travel through St. Charles, Mo. a couple of times a year, once going to Maine and once....you get the pic.
We'll definitely visit Cobblestones on the next trip. Looks like a great place.
All best to you and thanks!
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
Love those charming little houses :)
What a wonderful place to visit. Maybe I'll make it there someday!
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