The second day of our trip, we had planned to head straight into Mansfield MO. Annie, wanted to take a detour to see Branson. I had explained to her that Branson, was about country shows and really more of a tourist trap for shopping and eating. She insisted that it must be something, because several of her friends had been there. So, off we went for a visit. After arriving in the city, she looked over at me and said"Im not impressed". OKAY! Now what?? Much of the city was not open at the time and the water parks were closed. I had read about Silver Dollar City, so I decided to drive out and see what it was all about. We were very happy that we did.

Silver Dollar City is about 15 miles west of Branson past the The Shepherd of the Hills(which was closed at the time).

We bought our tickets and headed into the park for a visit. They are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the park this year.

We were delighted by all of the things we saw. It is just like being dropped into the 1880"s. There were so many craftsmen and interesting shops to visit in. we watched a man blow glass and shape it into a candle holder. He went into great detail about the process of creating the glass piece. The shop next door contained about 90% of blown glassware made on the premises.

We saw building depicting an actual village with everyone dressed in pioneer clothing. There was a sheriff at the entrance who would deputize the little boys as they came in and pin a shiny star on their shirt.

The wilderness church was simply beautiful. We stole a few moments to take in the sun shining through the windows. A crocheted prayer cloth was on the wall, and simple logs had been crafted for benches.

The day was gorgeous and we were able to take our time exploring the park.

We visited the Apple Butter store. If you love apples this is the place to visit. Every type of merchandise imaginable was in the store, including homemade apple dumplings with ice cream!

I loved the wood carving store. Many different types of items large and small were available. Many craft tools, patterns and DVD instructions were handy if you wanted to give it a try. Classes are available during the year.

Huck had a huge mining operation going on . Slews were set up to search for treasure, panning for gold and other gems. You buy a sack of sand and search through it in the screened pan. I am sure my grandsons would love this.

This is every little boys dream! Water, sand and treasure hunting!

The saloon had shows throughout the day as well as other forms of singing, magic shows and entertainment.

Now, this is one form of entertainment I can live without. The line was long, but the ride worth the wait I am told. No thanks!

While my girl rode the rollercoaster, I just walked around for awhile and enjoyed the sights and sounds.

An old fashioned one room schoolhouse. I didnt get to go inside this one, it was very crowded and dark inside.

Love admiring the craftsmanship of the old buildings.

I really enjoyed listening to the music being played on the porch of the old log home. Inside the house it is set up just as it would be in the 1880's. A woodburning cookstove was lit and a lady was cooking lunch on it. The bedroom side of the cabin had a metal bed with a quilt covering, lots of pioneer essentials were on display to look at.

We ended our stay at Silver Dollar City and went back into Branson to spend the night and travel on to Mansfield the next day! Hope you are enjoying the photos, we had a blast. I love to spend time with my girl and had such a great time laughing, looking and relaxing in the Ozarks. Come back tomorrow for our visit to Laura Ingalls Wilder Home.