We just looked at a new home today and my mind is just whirling with possibilities! The home is closer to work, has a swimming pool (which I really miss, my last home had one). Decorated in cottage style(which I love), in older neighborhood (this is a plus), larger yard(may be a problem at our age),I would be 3 miles from work instead of 45 min, close to college for my daughter, all of my kids live in this area, and my grandkids! We would have to buy this one, move , paint our old one and sell it. What do ya think????? Hubby is a little apprehensive, but he is very cautious anyway. I have sold my home, so we currently do not have a house payment. We would save money in the long run and lots of time commuting Taxes in this area are more expensive, but think of the money we would save in gas for my daughter and I( we both travel each day to work and school). Ok, can yall think of anything else???THIS may be a hard sell to a man with no house payment..LOL. Let me hear back from ya!!!!
I'm no good at these kind of decisions. I've always bought houses with my heart - but, I've been lucky. Good luck on your decision. Sally
Sounds perfect to me, Lorri! Hope it works out!
Sounds like a no brainer to me... if you want an adorable cottage ... I have one for sale in the historic district of McKinney!
sounds like a done deal ...good luck ...Your excitement shows in your writing...it must mean ...a yes
This home sounds like a win win for you. Short commute, charm, all the things you love.
Just DO IT!!
Sharon Lovejoy
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