Well, the day has finally arrived! Her very first prom and she is soooo excited about going. Hair appoinment, nail appoinment, eyebrow appoinment! This was a busy day. She was late getting her hair done this afternoon and the rush was on. A storm showed up and that put a little damper on the day. You never know how your hair might look if it rains in North East Texas!

Proud Dad, was her escort tonight to dinner and the dance. This was the first time he had been so it was a treat for him also.

all of the poof from her dress, we couldnt hardly get her in the car.

Here she is posing for a few photos with her nephew.

I thought she looked just like Cinderella

It has been quite a night for us. She is going to the lock in to spend time with friends and the senior breakfast in the morning at the fire station. I just cant believe my little girl is all grown up!