I was so excited to find a copy of The Farmer'sWife cookbook at Sams last week! I could'nt wait to get home and find some free time to sit down and read through it.I have picked out a few recipes to try out this weekend.
Gonna make some fresh strawberry shortcake using the Elvis pound cake recipe that I have. It is so good and sooo many calories. I see my my diet going out the window this week.
I also picked up a copy of Pioneer Woman. This is her latest cookbook and has such wonderful recipes. If you have never been to her website take a moment to head over there and say hi!
When I went out this morning my squash plants had blooms on them! Oh, I miss fresh squash! We planted 2 plants last year and had a glorious plenty, but planted four this time to share with the kids and people at work. My little 2x12 garden space is just right.
I have repotted many of my plants and herbs in the past few weeks. The petunias are going crazy and was happy to see all of most of them coming back from last years pots. I planted some more cilatro and lavender this year. A few pepper plants and a tomato plant and I will be done.
Have a great weekend and enjoy this good weather!
How great your pics are feel like I just visited your place ! Please tell where did you get the cute red egg dish loooove it!!!
Your place REALLY is cute as pie!
Great post! Let us know how the recipes turn out from your new cookbokks.
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