Ok, I got so excited over my quilt class that I forgot to take any pictures! Seriously! So here are a couple of new ones of the grands.Im not quite sure what is going on with Logan's hair. I think his mother was just being silly....Ok I hope his mother was just being silly. Grandma will have a talk with her if this is a permament condition!

I went to Waxahatchie Texas this weekend to take an applique class at the wonderful Common Threads Quilt shop! I took off work a few hours early Friday and drove to Dallas so I wouldnt have to get up at 3 am on Saturday.I spent the night in a great hotel, ate a nice dinner, took a long long long hot bath, read a book and slept on a king size bed with 6 pillows all by myself! Yes, is was good! I really needed a day away just to myself to de-stress. Saturday morning the class started at 10am and I was so excited I got there at 8:30. I browsed around the square a bit and finally the shop opened at 9:30. There was already a line of women waiting to get in. I struck up a conversation with a few of them and made some new friends. The class allowed 25 students to participate, they had broke it down to 5 stations with 5 students at each. You had 2 instructors to help you with your tutorial and 30 minutes to work on the new technique. When time was up we all switched tables and went to the next instructor. I thought it was brilliant. The fabric templates were already cut, they provided the supplies, a fabulous lunch was served and on my gosh I learned so much! They had a great goodie bag for every student and there was just so much to look at. Denice has the shop decorated with Civil War quilt reproductions and they specialize in repro fabric. It was such a treat to spend time just browsing the store. Oh and did I mention that they had shopping bags already fixed for you. When you found something you wanted you ask the clerk to place in your bag and at the end of the day you checked out with your purchases. That was nice, because after every class there was always a new little gadget that was a must have item.

I just loved it and the whole day was so relaxing. Thanks to Denice and Common Threads for such a great day! I love this card. I cant remember whose blog I first saw it on, but yes, I could go for one of those jobs myself! Have a great week!