Hi Everyone, hope you are having a great weekend so far. I spent most of yesterday cleaning house, unpacking more boxes and trying to make everything pretty. Today I resolve to rest! We are going to enjoy the pool and grill some burgers for lunch. I am enjoying the new house so much. It is very peaceful here and wonderful to come home from a hectic day and hop in the pool for a little unwinding time! I know we have been far more active since the move. It seems that we never sit in front of the TV anymore(which is a good thing) and all of our time is spent enjoying the backyard. It has been several years since I have lived in a home with such a great space to enjoy. I am loving every minute of it.
Hubbys house will soon be on the market for sale after the painters finish with it. He has so many plans for the house here, so he cant wait for it to sell!

I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy all the good things that God has provided for you. Take some meditiation time today and thank Him for all he does in your life!